There are 33.8 ounces in a liter, so 2.6 liters is equal to 88.28 ounces. Therefore, you could get around 88 one ounce shots out of a 2.6 liter bottle of vodka.
128 shots.
how many 2oz shots in a liter
25ml shots- and you'll have enough for fourty.
3.17 US cups.
There are approximately 33.8 shots in a 1.75 liter bottle based on a standard shot size of 1.5 ounces.
It would depend on how large those drinks are; if you poured normal shots you would get 33 whole shots with about 10mL left over.
About 27 1.25-oz shots per liter (US measure).
About 33.8 1.5-ounce shots.
Their are 39.22 shots in 1.75 liters of liquor .