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I think its is bulls urine.

Usually found in energy drinks.

Taurine isn't bull's urine . . . the kind found in energy drinks is synthetically made in a lab. ( explains the process)

The taurine in animal food is derived from skeletal and other parts of the protein they are using in their foods.

The rumor about the bull's urine began because taurine was first found in the bile of bulls (which is why the root "taur" is now used).

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What is in taurine?

L-taurine is an amino acid that contains sulfure, and can be found in the muscles and nervous system. It has become a popular supplement for body builders, and is being studied as a treatment for a variety of medical conditions.

Where does taurine come from in red bull?

It comes from a chemical factory. It's synthetic, made.

Is Taurine vegetarian?

Taurine or L-Taurine is an amino acid that is considered to be the second most abundant in the body's muscle after glutamine. since it is something related to muscle vegetarians can't have taurine.

Where do you find taurine in a animal?

It was originally identified in animal tissues, but everything commercially used today is synthesized - made - in chemical factories.

Is taurine in cereals?

You can get cereals that have taurine added, however it doesn't occur naturally in cereal ingredients. "the Liver cleansing Muesli" contains taurine

Does the taurine found in red bull come from a bull?

It isn't. Taurine is a chemical, an Amino acid, that can be found in bull semen. And in bile, ANd some other places. However, all taurine that's commercially used is synthetic, made in chemical factories.

How much taurine is in a can of red bull?

Red bull contains taurine.

What are some side effects of ingesting taurine?

Taurine is a popular supplement addeded to many energy drinks. It is essential for the life of a cat. There are virtually no adverse side effects when taking taurine. Taurine is found in the human brain. Ingesting taurine has been shown to increse brain function and to improve the heart.

What is taurine free form?

Taurine is an amino acid found naturally in the body. Taurine free form refers to a synthetic form of taurine that is not derived from natural sources but produced in a laboratory. It is commonly used in supplements and energy drinks.

Is taurine bull urine or sperm?

Taurine is neither bull urine nor sperm. It is an organic compound that is naturally found in the tissues of many animals, including bulls, but it is not derived from urine or sperm. Taurine is often used as an ingredient in energy drinks and supplements due to its potential health benefits, such as supporting heart and eye health.

Does salmon have taurine in it?

All muscle meat, including fish, contain high levels of taurine. Salmon contains about 4.401 grams of taurine per kilogram weight.

Can taurine kill you?

You can conceivably overdose on anything if you consume it to beyond a point of sufficiency. Particularly considering that taurine is found in energy drinks, which are incredibly easy to overdose on, it could be assumed that taurine is dangerous in massive quantities.