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The dark and relatively featureless lunar plains which can clearly be seen with the naked eye are called maria (singular mare), Latin for seas, since they were believed by ancient astronomers to be filled with water. These are now known to be vast solidified pools of ancient basaltic lava

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all the dark areas of the moon were called seas or oceans by early astronomers. each are have a different name

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Q: Why are the dark areas on the moon called seas?
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What are The dark flat areas on the moon are called?

Dark maira of seas

What are large dark flat-areas found on the hemispherical surface facing the Earth called?

Large dark areas on the Moon are called "maria", Latin for "seas", because the ancients who observed the Moon with the naked eye thought that they resembled the seas that they were familiar with.

Are there seas on the moon?

No, there are no seas on the moon. The dark areas that were once thought to be seas are actually large basaltic plains called maria, formed by ancient volcanic activity. The moon's surface is dry and lacks liquid water.

What are the flat areas on the moon called?

The flat areas on the moon are called lunar maria. They are dark plains formed by ancient volcanic activity and are visible from Earth as dark patches on the moon's surface.

What is the dark flats areas on the Moon's surface called?

Seas (or mares) - because they were first thought of as bodies of water.

Which planet has the moon named maria?

Maria isn't a name of a moon, though it's what the dark areas on our own moon are called which were once though to be seas.

Where are seas on the moon?

There are no seas on the moon. The moon's surface is mostly covered by craters, mountains, and plains, but no bodies of water like seas or oceans. The dark areas on the moon that look smooth from Earth are actually large plains of solidified lava called maria.

The moon has no water on it why are some places on the moon called seas?

astronauts thought the moon was flat ,so they called some areas,seas.

What are the dark areas of the moon?

The dark areas on the moon are known as maria, which are large, flat regions filled with solidified lava from ancient volcanic activity. These areas appear darker than the surrounding highlands due to their composition and lack of craters.

What is the name of the dark flat areas found on the surface of the moon?

The dark flat areas found on the surface of the moon are called maria, which is the Latin word for "seas." They were formed by ancient volcanic activity and are lower in elevation than the surrounding highlands.

What are the dark seas on the moon called?

The dark seas on the moon are called maria, which is the Latin word for "seas." They are large, flat plains on the moon's surface formed by ancient volcanic eruptions that filled in low-lying areas with basaltic lava. These maria are visible from Earth and appear dark compared to the surrounding highlands.

What part of a moon is a Maria?

The maria (Latin: "seas", singular "mare") are dark areas of the moon that were formed by ancient dark lava flowsAny of the large, low-lying dark areas on the Moon or on Mars or other inner planets.The lunar maria are believed to consist of volcanic basalts.