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Naturally he sends the messenger of the gods: Hermes.

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Q: Who does Zeus send to calypso with a message?
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Who does zeus send to give a message to calypso?


What message did Hermes deliver to calypso?

Hermes delivered a message from Zeus to Calypso, instructing her to release Odysseus from her island and let him continue his journey back home to Ithaca. Zeus ordered this in response to pleas from Athena and the other gods.

What is zeus command to calypso?

To send odysseus home

How is Zeus related to Calypso?

Zeus is not directly related to Calypso. Calypso is a nymph in Greek mythology who is known for holding Odysseus captive on her island in Homer's "Odyssey." Zeus is the king of the gods and does not have a familial relationship with Calypso.

What Zeus going to do for Odysseus?

In the story The Odyssey, Zeus orders Calypso release Odysseus from Calypso's island. Zeus was convinced by the goddess, Athena, to help Odysseus.

Why does Calypso finally allow Odysseus to leave her island?

because the goddess Athena calls a council of the gods at Olympus and convinces Zeus to let Odysseus return. The gods then send Hermes as messenger to bring the news of Zeus's will to Calypso who reluctanly agrees to let Odysseus go.

How does Zeus show his support for Odysseus?

In the story the Odyssey, Zeus orders Calypso release Odysseus from Calypso's island. Zeus was convinced by the goddess, Athena, to help Odysseus.

Who sends Hermes to calypso?

Zeus sends Hermes to Calypso to tell her to release Odysseus.

Who is the god holding Odysseus on the island?

The god holding Odysseus on the island is Zeus. Zeus got angry at Odysseus and his men for eating the CATTLE of the sun god, Helios. Odysseus didn't eat the cattle, though. He survived, but his men (or crew) didn't. They died. They Odysseus floated to Calypso's island, Ogygia. Calypso loved Odysseus. They got a little "busy", but Odysseus still loved Penelope. Athena begged Zeus to make Calypso release Odysseus, since Calypso was trapping Odysseus on Ogygia. Zeus told Hermes (god messenger) to tell Calypso to let Odysseus go. She got the message, and agreed to release Odysseus. Odysseus built a raft, but while traveling, Poseidon destroyed it, since Odysseus blinded his son, the Cyclops, Polyphemus. For more information, GOOGLE works GREAT!!! Hope I helped! (:

Who prayed to Zeus that Odyssey would be release and freed to avenge himself?

In Greek mythology, it was Odysseus himself who prayed to Zeus for release from the island of Calypso so he could avenge himself on the suitors who had taken over his home in Ithaca.

Who tells Calypso what Zeus wants and What is Calypso's reaction?

Hermes tells Calypso that Zeus wants her to release Odysseus from her island. Calypso is initially resistant, feeling sorrowful and resentful about having to let go of Odysseus, but ultimately agrees to comply with Zeus's command.

Zeus sends Hermes to order Calypso to release Odysseus. When Hermes arrives what is Calypso doing?

working on a tapestry