pawan kalayan belong to balija caste as his fore fathers were konidela balijas who migrated to godavari district just 100 years back and the original caste of pawan kalayan is balija naidu
pawan kalayan belong to balija caste as his fore fathers were konidela balijas who migrated to godavari district just 100 years back and the original caste of pawan kalayan is balija naidu
Pawan Kalyan's birth name is Pawan Kalyan Konidela.
Pawan Kalyan is 182 cm.
Pawan Kalyan was born on September 2, 1971.
Pawan Kalyan was born on September 2, 1971.
I Think Should be Yes. Pawan kalyan a Greate Person. helping to everyone. Definitely Pawan Kalyan CM in 2029
Konidela Venkata Rao
Powerstar pawan kalyan
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Sorry, you can't get that here.
aamir khan
Pawan Kalyan was born in India in 1971 and became a very successful actor. He starred in the the first blockbuster for Paw an Kalyan that ran for 100 days. His claim to fame was being the first South Indian actor to endorse a soft drink, Pepsi.