Use a ghost drive.
In the fence post
Animals that eat ghost crabs are birds like gulls, hawks, and shorebirds. Ghost crabs are also called and crabs because of their ability to hide or burrow in sand. The habitats of ghost crabs are tropical and subtropical regions of the world. They are omnivorous creatures.
Of course they do! Also, dark is super-effective on ghost.
because they wanted to hide away from the ghost and the film was really scary.If you are a little kid you shouldn't have watched because it is for people which are 12 and over
Scrooge's inability to extinguish the ghost's light symbolizes his inability to suppress or hide from the truth. It highlights his powerlessness in facing the consequences of his actions and the need to confront his past in order to change his future.
Ghosts mostly hide in places they think they didn't finish something, or a place were they loved most and they didn't want anything to happen to that place that they loved most. So what happeneds is if you see a ghost just remember your in a place were something wasn't finished or just to protect it!They sometimes hide in the basement or in the attic but the some stay around where they die and evil spirits come out at 3:15.
well you can play hide and seek ghost which is when someone puts a blanket on their head that persons the ghost. then the other people try to run quietly around the room without being caught. the lights are also off. if you get caught the ghost yells i have caught my new ghost friend then they switch. i6ts fun cause they run around and are trying not to laugh but they cant help it me and the kids usually play it in the kitchen so theres tables and chairs to hide behind or under.
swimming/diving hiking ghost stories hide and seek stay overnight
Gather a group of friends. To play at a house you'll need a front and back yard and a porch or deck or both. Gather in the front or backyard which will be the graveyard. Choose a friend to be the ghost. After choosing allow the ghost to hide while you and your friends count 1 o clock 2 o clock and so on till you get to 12 o clock. Then shout "it's midnight I hope i don't see a ghost tonight". Then attempt to run around the house without getting caught by the ghost. If you do yell ghost then run away till you get to base. If you don't get to base and you get tagged you become a ghost and you get to hide with any other ghosts. If you get to base you get to play again. Keep playing till there is only one person left and that person becomes the ghost for the new game. Have Fun!!
Ghost story is actually quite easy! You must go to the cemetery and u hide w/ a woman who is also a ghost hunter. The cloaked figure shows up and u photograph it. U bring it to the daily paper place and it makes the front page. Then you go back there later and you find out that it (the cloaked figure) is actually the magistrate!
It reveals that Macbeth is guilty about killing Banquo Because he says :"avaunt and quit my sight! Let the earth hide thee!"