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Sirens. The sirens were merlike females that used their songs to draw sailors to the deaths. The most popular myth that features the sirens is The Odyssey in which Odessues stuff cotton in all his crew members ears except his own so that they would not be attracted by the sirens' song. A siren is a monster that is either a women of the water (mermaid) or a bird-like creature. These monsters would use their voice to put men into a trance of utter devotion and false love.

It was no one siren. There was a group of them, no individual names.

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Q: What were the mythological women called who lured sailors to their death?
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Related questions

What are the creatures who lured sailors to their death with their song called?

The Sirens.

Who was the temptress who lured sailors to their death?

The sirens, circe and mermaids

How is the sirens realtionship to the Odyssey?

Sirens were nymphs who lured sailors to their death with a bewitching song.

How do the sirens destroy men in the odyssey?

Sirens were nymphs who lured sailors to their death with a bewitching song.

What awful things did sirens do to sailors?

In Greek mythology, sirens were creatures that lured sailors to their doom with their enchanting voices, causing ships to crash on the rocks. The sailors who heard the sirens' song were unable to resist its allure and would steer their ships towards the dangerous rocks, leading to shipwrecks and death.

What are dangers of the sirens in the Odysseus?

The Sirens were three sea nymphs who lured sailors to their death with a bewitching song.

These half woman half bird monsters lured sailors to their death on the rocks with their songs?

You are confusing your female-associated monsters. Sirens were those mythological sea nymphs in Greek mythology that sang such songs that anyone who heard them had to approach, which caused the ships to sink and the sailors to drown, but they weren't "half-bird". Those were the Harpies.

How old are sirens?

In Greek mythology, sirens were described as creatures who lured sailors to destruction with their enchanting songs. They were said to be immortal, although their exact age was not specified in mythological sources.

What did a siren do?

She sang to the sailors and lured them in with their song.

What are the abilties do the sirens have?

When they sang they lured sailors to their deaths.

What is the point of the sirens of titan?

They were used by the Gods to show the weakness of man, ie they lured sailors to an untimely death on the rocks of the island they sang from.

What is a sentence for lured?

The victim was lured into the trap.The clever tiger lured its prey to an area where it would struggle to escape.He lured me into a world of drugs and alcohol.