Her name was Persephone. Circe was the sorceress who waylaid Odysseus on the Island of Aeaea.
Her name is Cere **pronouncedn(ser-si)
No. No god was killed in the Odyssey.
No name was mentioned in the Odyssey.
Honda odyssey gets its name from the Greeks
2001: A Space Odyssey
Her name was Jadis the White Witch.
Some people think Homer's character was in the Odyssey, because the name Homer is often associated with the Odyssey. It is a misunderstanding.
Another name for the land of the dead in the Odyssey is "Hades" or the "Underworld."
Arete is queen of the Phaeacians.The Phoenicians are not in the Odyssey.
In book 11 of the Odyssey The Gorgon is mentioned, not the name of Medusa.
no she did not have a name only wicked witch of the east she in the beggining was portrayed as the evil witch who had put the munchkins in bondage but no name