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Not sure of the reason for the superstition, but have experienced this happening. On the night of the death of a family member a large mirror fell off the wall and smashed. The mirror had been up for 6 years with no movement and the nail and bracket were firmly fixed. The bracket had not broken on the back of the mirror when checked. The mirror had fallen straight down although this was not physically possible without the bracket breaking, which it hadn't - next morning we learnt of the death.

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Q: What is the superstition of a picture falling off the wall for no reason?
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In some cultures, it is believed that a clock falling off the wall is an omen of bad luck or impending death. This superstition likely stems from the association of time with mortality and the idea that a falling clock signifies the end of someone's time.

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Not all naturally occurring phenomenon can or should be interpreted as a sign or omen. Unless the picture was of someone specific and of significance to you personally I would not take it too seriously. That said there is a superstition that says a picture falling from the wall, for no apparent reason is the omen of an imminent death, however, the glass in the picture must shatter for the omen to be believed as true.

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A picture on a wall could be a mural, a painting, a photograph. It depends on the picture.

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If a wedding picture falls off the wall what does it mean?

Not all naturally occurring phenomenon can or should be interpreted as signs or omens. That said, a weddingphoto falling from the wall, when no mundane explanation can be found, could be read as meaning the marriage is in for a rough spell, particularly if the glass breaks.