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Q: What is the probabilty of getting a 3 of clubs of 52 deck of cards?
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What is the probabilty of getting a heart from a ordinary pack of cards?

There are 52 cards in a deck with no jokers. There are 13 hearts in such a deck so the probability of drawing a heart is13/52

What is the probabilility of getting hearts or clubs on a single pick from a well shuffled standard deck of cards?

Since hearts and clubs consist of 1/2 of the deck of cards, the probabilility of getting hearts or clubs on a single pick from a well shuffled standard deck of cards is 1/2.

How many queen of clubs in a deck of 52 cards?

1 queen of clubs in a deck of 52 cards.

How many 3 of clubs are in a deck of cards?

There is only 1 3 of clubs in every deck of cards.

How many club are there in a deck of cards?

There are 13 clubs in a regular deck of cards.

How many clubs is there in a deck of cards?

In a standard 52-card pack there are 13 'club' cards.

What are the odds of not selecting a club in a deck of fifty two cards?

One fourth of the deck (13 out of 52 cards) is clubs. So the chances of NOT getting a club are three out of four.

How many 6 of clubs are in a deck of cards?

There is only one six of diamonds in a deck of playing cards.

How many clubs are red out of a deck of 52?

how many clubs are in a deck of 52.

How many club's are in a deck of 52 cards?

how many clubs are in a deck of 52.

What is the probabilty of drawing a 3 from a deck of 52 cards?

There is a 4 in 52 probability (reduce to 1 in 13) of drawing a '3' from a 52-card deck.

What is the probabilty of drawing a red ten from a deck of 52 cards?

The probability of drawing a red 10 from a standard deck of 52 cards is 2 in 52, or about 0.03846.The Ten of Diamonds and the Ten of Hearts.