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Q: What is the name of the evil spirit in Poltergeist?
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What ghostly phenomena gets it's name from the German for noisy spirit?


Was the poltergeist in the movie Poltergeist more like a ghost rather then a poltergeist?

No. The word "poltergeist" means "noisy ghost." Poltergeists move objects around, throw things, break things, open doors and then slam them closed over and over again. They behave a lot like hyperactive 3 year-olds. Which is how the spirits in Poltergeist behaved.Also, not for nothing, but there wasn't just one spirit in Poltergeist. There were hundreds of spirits. The house was built over a cemetery, remember? All the spirits were kept there and controlled by this very powerful, evil force. The evil force wasn't human, nor had it ever been. It was inhuman evil force.

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In Poltergeist what snatches the boy out of his bed?

the clown which becomes evil

What was the name of the Evil spirit to whom Faust sold his sole?

The evil spirit to whom Faust sold his soul is named Mephistopheles.

How do you talk to a poltergeist?

oija boards spirit boards mirrors ect

What is a noisy spirit called?

A noisy spirit is sometimes referred to as a poltergeist. Poltergeists are believed to be mischievous spirits that can create disturbances like loud noises, moving objects, and other unexplained phenomena.

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they called him the Evil Spirit

What is the name of an evil spirit feared by Northwest Indian tribes?

the Windigo

When the witch called Samuel was that Samuel or an evil spirit?

an evil spirit

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They worshipped an evil spirit called Maboya