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When the Sun, Moon and ascendant are in the same sign a person is said to be a triple of that given sign. Having a triple sign emphasizes its characteristics in the personality.

A triple Leo will likely be very outgoing and enjoy being the center of attention. This type may be particularly bombastic, charming and warm. They may have a childlike playful quality to them and generally have a strong desire to express themselves creatively. Negatively they can be self-centered, egotistical, bossy and demanding.

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What date is a triple Leo star sign and what does it mean?

The "date" of a triple Leo can be anytime within the Leo Sun Sign (approximately July 23-August 22). To say that one is a triple Leo means that this person has their Sun, Moon, and Ascendant all in Leo. To be a triple of a sign is very rare.

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Some of the most famous WWE super stars I know of that happen to be Leo's are: Hulk Hogan, Triple H Shawn Michaels.

Are prominent stars in Leo?

The brightest stars in Leo are Regulus, Denebola, Algieba, Zosma, Adhafera, Iota Leonus and Tau Leonus. Leo contains binary and optical triple stars that can be viewed with an amateur telescope.

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The "stars" of the constellation Leo are actually a number of different types of objects. The constellation is composed of: Blue-white stars: Denebola (the lion's tail) and Regulous, meaning "little king" (one of the front legs of the lion. Regulus is the brightest object in the constellation Double stars: Alpha Leo, Beta Leo, and Tau Leo Binaries: Gamma Leo (also called Algieba), Omega Leo, 54 L and a7704 An optical triple star: Zeta Leo A variable star: R Leo Galaxies: M65, M66, M95, M96, M105, NGC 3628 Meteor showers, predominantly the Leonids (the lion's mane)

Is me and Leo correct English or Leo and I correct?

Leo and I

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Who plays Leo from Leo Little's Big Show?

Leo little is played by Leo howard

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Leo is a constellation - there is not a constellation inside Leo.

Is Leo Little's name Leo Howard?

Yes his real name is Leo Hoawrd. He played as Leo Little on Leo Little's big show, but his real name is Leo Howard.

What nicknames does Leo Ricciardi go by?

Leo Ricciardi goes by Leo.

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Leo Curbelo goes by Leo.

Why was Leo named Leo and why?

Do you mean Leo the star sign? If so, it represents a lion and Leo is the Latin for lion.