You need to invent your own names - writers who copy ideas from other people end up in trouble for plagiarism! If you copy someone's names or ideas, then when you publish your story, they could claim you stole those from them and sue you for part of your money.
Any city could have vampires in it, so any city name you invent will be fine!
Click on the Related Question for how to invent place names!
Try the vampire diaries
It would be helpful to know what gender the vampire was. >>>>>>it is not a name for the vampire, like Fred or Phil ( not that kind of name) but what they are all called (a kind of vampire). so instead of calling it a newborn, or a baby vampire, what is a good suggestion for a vampire at a young stage in it's vampire life. <<<<<<<<<<< How about vampire? Why does that not work? And besides the fact that vampires are dead and therefore do not grow (so there are no "stages" in it's "life"), it's better to work with existing terminology than to make up your own anyway.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Movie Angle the Vampire Movie Interview with a Vampire Vampires Suck Dracula Queen of the Damned Dracula 2000 Daybreakers
anita Blake is a person who can raise the dead and is a vampire hunter, there is one vampire who fell in love with anita Blake and his name is Jean-Claude which is the new master vampire of the city she works in
Cullen! Warewolf!!!! Or something like Winterborn, or Dark. Crymson seems good as a first name.
no he never turns into a vampire
Real organizations don't have fancy names. Think about the ones you know about - American Diabetes Association, United Way, Greenpeace. Your vampires will probably have a totally normal name using either a city or country name.
my name is Katherine. like Katherine in vampire diaries . and Katherine is the proper name for a vampire
Rosario Vampire, Vampire Knight, and Trinity Blood are all very good.
Good vampire, of course!