When we lose an animal helper, (familiar) as happens in life... these animals are not supernatural and do not live forever, we mourn them, in whatever manner our personal path (and heart) dictates then go on with our lives, most often, if we need an animal helper, the gods will provide.
when a familiar dies with stuff or items on it, the items drop on the ground. if they dont, report this bug immediately to Jagex so it can be fixed and so you dont lose valuable items
They are known as a Familiar.
White magick witches will be lenient, black magick witches will kill you
A cat. Usual a black one known as a familiar
He dies, he stops living.
Hocus Pocus
Usually they are simply a pet. However, my first cat came to me at the same time I began studying witch craft (I've always been a spell caster and witch but I began studying the history and practices of other witches a few years ago) because of this I refer to her as my familiar. Usually a familiar is an animal that holds a special place in a witches life and craft.
nothing happens
He dies.
after pain dies naruto shiupdden was over .