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Q: What do you call a crazy vampire?
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How do you call a girl vampire?

A vampire

When was Call Me Crazy created?

Call Me Crazy was created on 2008-10-21.

What would U call a baby Vampire?

A baby vampire.

What would you call a vampire army?

You would call a vampire army a (flock) i heard it in a T.V. show.

Does Bella give birth to a vampire baby?

yes she has a vampire baby and the baby is going crazy so edward has to bite her neck

What if you tell someone you are a vampire?

Dood seriously, why would you want to tell someone your a vampire, It's ridiculous, they won't belive you. no one would. It's crazy talk! Actually, they would probuly run away screaming their heads off, call the police, and you would die.

How do you download the vampire diaries font?

shut up you guys are all crazy

What do you call a vampire that can't bite?

a craaazzzzyyyy human vampire wanna be!!

What is the male version of vampire?

A male vampire is typically called a "vampire" or a "male vampire." There is no specific gendered term like "vampiress" for females.

What do you call the chromosomes found on vampire?

the chromosome inside a vampire is called the glandularserosis

What are the release dates for Don't Call Me Crazy - 2014?

Don't Call Me Crazy - 2014 was released on: USA: 2014

Do vampire eat moms?

No. But I guess they can suck their blood. Don't do anything crazy, though. :)