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Well there could be many signs. Yes nobody knows if vampire are real. Here are some signs: Pale skin, unusual eye color,goth clothing, great urge for meat, allergic to garlic.

These are SOME signs! If you want more you could Google 'Characteristics of a Vampire".

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Q: What are the signs if someone is a vampire?
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How can you tell that someone is a vampire?

There is no definitive way to tell if someone is a vampire as they are fictional creatures. In folklore, common signs of vampirism include pale skin, sensitivity to sunlight, and an aversion to garlic and holy symbols. However, these characteristics vary across different vampire myths and legends.

Am I considered a vampire if I eat blood?

If you drink blood, you are not necessarily a vampire. You may get sick from any contaminants that are in the blood, though. Most people require other vampiric signs, like not being able to go out in the sunlight, before they will call someone a vampire.

How do you make someone a vampire?

A vampire has to bite someone to make them a vampire. Then the vampire must feed the victim some of his own blood.

What to do if someone has been attacked by a vampire?

According to the books, if someone is bit, a vampire can suck back out the venom, but it's highly difficult to do.

Is there a vampire book for teens other than twilight and vampire journals where someone is bitten and turned?

There is -The Vampire Diaries -Vampire Academy Just google it.

When a vampire bites someone does the person turn into a vampire?

Yes because the curse goes into you.

Can a psychic vampire turn someone else?

In order to turn someone a vampire must effect saliva transfer. As a psychic vampire has no need to do this the effect of his psychic-feeding would not result in the creation of another vampire. If however a psychic vampire were to resort to the usual means of feeding then yes, he could turn a victim into a vampire.

What are the synonym signs of becoming a vampire?

no you can't become a vampire and less you were born as one because i am a real life vampire I'm serious i really am and you need to be born as one like me. vampires are real

How do you know if someone has been attacked by a vampire?

they are either white and dead: or : they are a vampire with red eyes

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How do you know that someone is being possessed by a vampire?

There is no such thing as a vampire possessing a human. A vampire can make a human into somewhat of a "slave", but they can't possess them.

What are the signs of possession with a vampire?

When a vampire shows signs of pocession it will act strange like being silent or swallowing to show they want the persons blood or flesh. They will try to keep their pocession in infornt of people. Vampires will attack quickly and you do not have time to think about what is happening.