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Scanning is simple yet complex. When one scans, he/she is looking at things that aren't on this plane of existence enough to be viewed by the naked eye (unless you're just that good at scanning, which some are). These things include but are not limited to: Auras, bodies, constructs.

When one scans, he/she needs to have a fairly decent ability in acquiring a psi-sig as posted in previous articles by melikai. To scan, simply acquire the sig. of the vic-target, close your eyes, relax. You may get to a point of relaxation where your ears kind of "shut out" things around them. This is a good level to reach for scanning.

Many people like to make scanning complicated by sending a tendril, tube, etc, to whatever they're trying to scan. This is just baggage that everyone can really live without.

Back to the sig, you have it, right? You should. ^_^ Now, kind of follow this sig. Don't read too much into that. Just get the sig in your mind pretty well. Now, look around basically. Let's say you're trying to scan someone's arm. Look and know that what you're looking at is the arm of the sig. Now, to avoid any analytical overlay (aol), sit there and WAIT for an image to pop up.

Here's a good practice to get the feeling of scanning without a lot of hassle. Go into your imagination. Pretend you're looking at a picture frame. You can't see what it's a picture of so simply look inside the frame and wait for a picture to pop into it.

One big problem with people practicing scanning is they think EVERYTHING they get is aol. Scanning feels just like you're making stuff up in your head. You're not though. With practice, more of that stuff you think you're making up will be correct.

There are a number of people who try to do this and just get feelings, emotions, etc. This makes it VERY hard for them to scan. My suggestion is do the aforementioned exercise with the picture until you get the feel of visualization down, then practice scanning with your visual senses.

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