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Sunday, the goddess Sol, who was the personified Sun.

Monday, after Mani, the god of the Moon.

Tuesday for Tyr, the one-armed God of War. Wednesday for Woden, better known as Odin, ruler of Asgard.

Thursday for Thor, god of lightning.

Friday after Freyja, goddess of love, sex, and violent death.

Saturday is not named after a Norse god.

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Q: What are the Norse days of the week?
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What group of gods are the days of the week named?

The days of the week are in part named after Norse gods (and also after the sun and the moon, which are not Norse gods).

Is days of the week a special name of thing?

The days of the week are name after Norse gods. For example Thursday was named after the Norse god of thunder, Thor.

How are Norse gods responsible for the names of several days of the week?

are so not cool :-(

Why are the days of the week named that way?

The days of the week were named after gods from Norse mythology. For example, Thursday was originally "Thor's day", named after the god Thor.

How did the days of the week get heir names from?

The days of the week got their names from ancient cultures and mythology. For example, Sunday is named after the sun, Monday after the moon, Tuesday after the Norse god Tyr, Wednesday after the Norse god Odin, Thursday after the Norse god Thor, Friday after the Norse goddess Frigg, and Saturday after the Roman god Saturn.

How do days of the week relate to Greek mythology?

They do not. Saturday is named after Saturn, a Roman god. The other days of the week are named after Norse gods.The above applies to the English names of the days. Other languages may have different histories.

How were the days of the week named after?

In English the day of the week are mostly named after the gods in Norse mythology. Monday is named after the moon. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday is named after the gods in Norse mythology. Saturday is named after Saturn and Sunday is named after the sun.

Which Anglo-Saxon gods give their names to days of the week?

Norse god of War, god of thunder, Thor, and Frigga

How are Norse gods responsible for the names of several of your days of the week?

Yes, Freya=friday Thor=Thursday Odin= wendsday

Why are the days of the week named?

The days of the week are named after celestial objects and mythological figures from ancient cultures. For example, Sunday is named after the sun, Monday after the moon, Tuesday after the Norse god Tyr, Wednesday after the Norse god Odin, Thursday after the Norse god Thor, Friday after the Norse goddess Frigg, and Saturday after the Roman god Saturn.

How were the names of the week named after?

The days of the week were named after Norse gods. For example Thursday is named after the Norse god of thunder, Thor. Friday is named after Freyya, goddess supposedly married to Odin.Saturday Sunday and Monday, named by the Romans after Saturn,Sun,and Moon.Tuesday is after the Norse god Tiw.Wednesday is Wodens day After the Romans left Britain the Norse invasions [Angles,Saxons, and Celts] began they changed the names of four days into the names of Norse gods,but left sat.sun.mon. as the Romans named them.Possibly because the Norse were every bit as aware as the Romans were of the vital role of the sun & the moon in their lives.Why Saturn was left I can only guess

Why are the days named after Norse gods?

The days of the week in English are named after Norse gods because of the influence of Norse mythology on early Germanic tribes who settled in England. The names for the days were adopted from Old English names for the Norse gods. This naming convention has persisted over time and is now a common feature in many languages.