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People almost never remember there dreams because there are so many little dreams your having that you brain just tends not to remember them and if you do happen to remember you dreams usually what you remember is only what happens right before you wake up you have over 100 dreams a night but they end up connecting and still you are only capable of remembering the last 60 seconds or so before you wake up or just bits an pieces of your dreams

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13y ago

It is possible that most dreams represent the subconscious mind's daily function of sorting through the thoughts, emotions and memories of the day. As this occurs, neurons firing in the brain produce random images which the mind perceives as loosely connected sequences. Remembering these meaningless dreams would serve no useful purpose. Other sorts of symbolic dreams produced by the subconscious mind do not require conscious awareness to achieve a release of tension or subliminal understanding, and so are not preserved in memory after awakening.

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14y ago

People tend to remember dreams that occur immediately before awaking. So light sleepers who wake up several times during the night are more likely to remember their dreams than are sound sleepers.

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