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Warnings are you get very sleepy and go mental

You die

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Q: Warnings and dangers of a vampire attack?
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What are the warnings and dangers of a vampire attack?

you can prevent yourselves from the "vampire" by staying away from he or she. Warnings are vang's. The dangers are they'll bite you.

How to prevent a vampire attack what are the dangers and the warnings?

Living in the real world, where there are no actual vampires, is a pretty effective method. Dangers would, I suppose, include getting bit by a vampire. There are lots of warnings you aren't in the real world and thus might be vulnerable to possible vampire attack. Examples might include the Sun rising in the West, more than one moon in the sky, the presence of unicorns...

How do you prevent a vampire attack and what are the warnings?

gettin bitten by a vampire

Dangers and warnings of vampires?

Fast, venom, teeth, and cuts get super persuading to attack!!

What are the warnings and dangers of a vampire?

The warnings: Their eyes turn black all the way around and they show you their fangs. The dangers: Then they bite you.

What are the warnings or dangers of vampires?

vampires do not exist.

Whon is most risk from an vampire attack?

People at risk for a vampire attack are people whose blood smell good to the vampire. Varies for vampire to vampire.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Vampire Attack - 2010?

The cast of The Vampire Attack - 2010 includes: Spike Jonze as Vampire Max Records as Boy in Cemetery

What are the dangers of heart attack and stroke?

you could die from them.

What are the dangers of being in the mountains?

you could get attack by a liger

Why do vampire bats rarley attack humans?

Vampire bats typically avoid humans because their primary food source is usually livestock, such as cattle. They have evolved to specialize in feeding on the blood of animals like cows, pigs, and horses. Vampire bats prefer to feed on these larger mammals due to the ease of accessing their blood without being detected or disturbed.

Does Bella attack anyone?

Yes she trys to attack edward. She turns into a vampire