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There is no single thing that will ward off all vampires. Each vampire have his particular quirks that will cause him weaknesses, faults, etc.

* Some vampires are very light sensitive. Lestat and his 'kin' were reduced to ashes on being exposed to light. Count Orlock was vapourized by simply walking in front of a sunlit window. Count Dracula however walked around in the sunlight only slightly weakened. * Count Dracula was averse to the sight of religious icons and really hated garlic.

* Some vampires were known to be unable to cross running water. * Some are under the compulsion to gather-up or count small objects spilled on the floor.

* At least one vampire was so vain she had to stop and consider her reflection in every mirror she encountered. A hall-way full of them wasted so much of her time she failed to get around to the biting phase before sun-rise. * Some vampires cannot bear to see what they have become and are incapable of beholding their own reflection. (Probably the source of the falsehood that vampires do not have reflections.) * One was deterred by barking guard dogs. (I can really sympathize with this one) * Another was put-off by the constant harranging of a fish-mongers wife into the wee hours of the morning. (Another one I can sympathize with.) * In the comic strip 'Ommygada' a sign posted outside of a motel 'All vampires welcome! Nothing bad will happen to you during your stay here! We Promise!' was enough to deter the cautious vampire from daring a visit.

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Q: Objects to ward off vampires
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What three objects can ward off vampires?

The main objects that appear in vampire folklore, likely to ward off a vampire, are: garlic and garlic flowers, a crucifix and holy water. But, it is interesting to note that the vampire Lestat, in The Vampire Chronicles, rather liked looking at crucifixes!

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have lots of garlic silver and crosses to ward them off. and onley go out in the sun.

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garlic is called the stinking rose

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You can put on a bracelet or necklace with Jesus/god on itGarlic is supposed to ward off Vampires also.

What objects are three objects that can ward vampires off?

1. Wooden stakes can kill them if it pierces their heart.2. Vampires don't like garlic.3. They also probably don't like the sight of themselves OR they don't like vampire hunters (OBVIOUS)

Which of the following object used to ward off vampires?

Holy water, sun light, a crucifix and garlic

Who are the target market of garlic paint?

Those who buy garlic paint are trying to ward off vampires. So buy a can yourself!

Which things ward of vampires?

Sunlight, crosses, holy water, garlic.

What wards off vampires?

Vampires arent real. So they cant be warded off.

What makes a vampire allergic to garlic?

The idea that vampires are allergic to garlic likely originates from the herb's historical use as protection against evil spirits and its pungent smell that can ward off predators. In vampire folklore, garlic is often associated with purity and protection, creating a symbolic link to ward off creatures of the night like vampires. It is not based on any scientific explanation.