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Given all of the fokelore on it. Yes, but over the last 100 or so years, if they are real they have been very careful to hide themselves. Or fit in. But if they were real they would have started many rumours about themselves to scare away people so the stereotypes of being scared of garlic and crosses may be wrong, as if vampires were real they would have lived longer than Christianity. I am myself researching whether they could be real. So far I have no evidence. :(

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Q: Is there a chance vampires are real?
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Debate on Vampires Are Real Are Not?

yes vampires are real, bats are vampires. but human vampires are not real

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If vampires are real where I am, then vampires are real where you are. Yes, they are real, and where you are doesn't change that.

Is it true that vampires are not real?

Yes. Vampires are not real.

Are vampires real things or people?

Vampires are not real. There are people who think they are vampires, but they have a problem.

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Absolutely not. Vampires are not real. Twilight is not real.

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Neither Vampires or Werewolves are real.

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No vampires not real!

How can you say that vampires do not exist?

You could say; "Vampires are non-existent." "There are no real vampires." "Vampires are not real." "Vampires are mythical."

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That's not real no vampires or vampire bats are not real...

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Vampires are fictional everywhere. Fictional means not real.

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Real vampires - zero (0) Imaginary vampires - all the rest. Vampires are not real, they do not exist, they are creatures of fiction and folklore.

Do vampires and werewolfs exist?

Vampire bats are real. Human vampires and human werewolves are not real, they are just made up stories. Vampires are real, and Werewolves are real but vampires and werewolves are not and cannot be real at the same time. They are mutually exclusive realities.