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First of all, you need to look up on your grammar a bit. Just saying. Well, it deprends in what you believe in. I myself believe that there are spirits, but if you're asking whether there are vampires, fairies and things like that, I don't know. I don't believe there is a species like that on earth that humans haven't found yet, but there are bound to be beings outside of our earth that we might believe to be 'supernatural'. Are supernatural creatures real? No one knows for sure, it's all about what you think, and what you feel about the subject.

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Q: Is supernatural creatures are real
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Is there anyway to become a supernatural creature?

Other than faith in God and dying and going to heaven, no. Some of the cartoons and movies with special computerized effects do make supernatural creatures look like they might be real. It is important to do as you are doing: separating real from supernatural in your mind.

Are vampires supernatural creatures?


Are cryptids mythical creatures?

Yes, cryptids are mythical creatures or real creatures that mythical creatures might have originated from. Several known animals were once considered mythical, such as the giant squid and the platypus. Other cryptids are based on supernatural beliefs and likely do not exist at all.

How can you explain the supernatural and extraordinary creatures?

Because they are cool

Which supernatural creatures arein the 'Twilight' books?

Vampires and werewolves.

If something is superannauted it is?

Some people think supernatural is real. Some people think that supernatural is not real.

Are supernatural vampires real?


Are vampeirs real?

There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of vampires as supernatural creatures with characteristics commonly depicted in folklore and mythology. They are considered fictional beings.

What does fable?

A made up tale that consists of supernatural beings and or mythological creatures.

How do you know elves are not real?

Elves are mythical creatures from folklore and literature, and there is no scientific evidence to support their existence. They are often depicted as fantasy beings with supernatural abilities, making them more akin to imaginative characters rather than real beings.

Why isn't supernatural on your recaps?

The TV Show Supernatural is in it's 9th Season. The two main actors are Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles. They play two brothers, Dean and Sam Winchester who hunt supernatural creatures and events. The show is well conceived and written and many stories are about family and situations from real life as well as the supernatural. Please give it some respect on your website. Thank you a fan.

Are tokoloshe's real?

Tokoloshes are mythological creatures in Zulu culture, believed to be small, supernatural beings that can cause mischief and harm. There is no scientific evidence to support their existence, and they are considered mythical beings in folklore.