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Ghosts and spirits are definitely real. Whenever a ghost glides past, you can feel a shiver down your spine. There are certain ways you can know if they are real or not. Sometimes, ghosts come to haunt their house from when they were alive or they might be angry with the people who lived there. Ghosts have the power to turn light on and off, haunt people and all sorts. You know for various reasons:

1. You feel you're being watched all the time

2. Doors bang, lights flicker, things crash.

3. Someone or something is flowing you but no one is there.

4. There is voices around the house or apartment in any area but no 1 is in the house but you or someone else that is not speaking.

5. you may see faces or full-body aparitions (full-body apperances).

6. you can hear lour or quiet footsteps.

7. u see scrach marks on u or any other family member.

8. u may hear scrach noises but make sure that, that may be ur pet of some kind before freaking out.

when your trying to figure out if there is a ghost in your house u might want to keep ears open at night cuz that's when action takes.

if u feel tha there is a spirit around u u might want to call a priest, or search spirits on the internet and find out as much as u can about them and how can they be destroed.

Those are the main reasons and I'm not lying as i have seen thousands of ghosts before and i know how to deal with them.

Another view

If ghosts did exist there would be plenty of evidence to prove it and far more people would have experiences. There is absolutely no proof of their existence. They are as real as Superman and the Easter Bunny.

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If you think there are ghosts in your house then call them.....but i would go to a therpy and ask if you have ghosts in you works....i've tried it well i hear that ghosts busters get rid of ghosts,so i guess if you think you have a ghost in your house maybe they could help.