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Tornadoes happen every year.

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Q: What year did a tornado happen?
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Related questions

How many tornadoes happen in tornado ally?

Tornado Alley averages about 700 to 800 tornadoes per year.

Can tornado's happen all year around?

Yes. Tornadoes can happen at any time of year, though they are fairly rare in the winter.

What time of year does a tornado usually happen?

Tornadoes usually happen in the months; April, May, and June.

When is tornado season in tornado alley?

It is generally considered to run from April through June, but tornadoes can happen at any time of year.

Does a tornado happen every 25 years?

Nope it can happen at anytime. In the United States alone there are 1200 tornadoes in an averaged year.

How many times does a tornado happen each year in Kansas?

It varies from year to year, but on average Kansas gets 95 tornadoes per year.

Is a tornado seasonal or can it happen anytime throughout the year?

Tornadoes can occur at any time of the year. However, they are most common in the spring and early summer in regions like Tornado Alley in the central United States. The peak tornado season varies depending on the location.

Can a tornado happen in a house?

A tornado can hit a house, but cannot happen indoors.

Will there be a tornado?

There will certainly be tornadoes in the future, hundreds of them happen every year. But there is no way of knowing exactly where or when they will occur.

Was there a tornado in 1896?

Yes. Tornadoes happen every year. The most notable tornado of that year struck St. Louis, Missouri and East St. Louis, Illinois on May 27, killing at least 255 people, making it the third deadliest tornado in US history.

What times of the year does a tornado happen?

Tornadoes can happen during any time of the year, but they are most common in late spring and early summer in the United States. This is when warm, moist air masses collide with colder air masses, creating the conditions necessary for tornado formation.

How does a chemical tornado happen?

There is not such thing as a "chemical tornado" a tornado is the result of thermodynamic physical processes.