what is Christa mcauliffe
Christa McAuliffe Christa McAuliffe
Sharon Christa McAuliffe. Her maiden name was Sharon Christa Corrigan.
Christa McAuliffe was born on September 2, 1948.
The Christa McAuliffe Prize was created in 1987.
The motto of Christa McAuliffe School is 'I hear and I forget.'.
Christa McAuliffe School's motto is 'I see and I remember.'.
yes there are like the Christa Corrigan McAuliffe Center for Education and Teaching Excellence. ~ There are also schools like the Christa McAuliffe Intermidiate School/I.S.187 in Brooklyn. And The Christa McAuliffe School in New Jersey.
The program is the Christa McAuliffe Space Program
i love christa
Christa McAuliffe is buried in Blossom Hill Cemetery in Concord, New Hampshire.
Her first name was Sharon her middle name was Christa and last McAuliffe.
The name of Christa McAuliffe's shuttle was the Space Shuttle Challenger.