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Most deaths and injuries in a tornado are the result of flying debris.

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Q: What causes the most injuries and deaths from tornadoes?
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What can cause the most of the injuries and deaths from tornadoes?

Most deaths and injuries in a tornado are cause by flying or falling debris.

What causes the most earthquake's related deaths and injuries?

Aftershocks cause the most earthquake-related deaths and injuries.

What causes most earthquakes related deaths and injuries?

Aftershocks cause the most earthquake-related deaths and injuries.

What causes most deaths during a tornado?

Most deaths during tornadoes are from flying debris.

Is a tornado most dangerous when it is over water?

No. Tornadoes are most dangerous when they hit a city or town. Then as the tornado starts destroying buildings it generates flying debris, which is what causes most tornado deaths and injuries.

What are most injuries from a tornado?

Most deaths and injuries of a tornado are the result of people being hit by flying or falling debris.

Are people still alive in the tornado in America 2011?

Yes. While hundreds of people were killed by tornadoes in 2011, thousands survived with injuries and tens of thousands were impacted but escaped direct harm. Here are the statistics: Total tornadoes: 1,692 Killer tornadoes: 59 Tornado deaths: 553 Tornado injuries: ~5,500 If you are referring to a particular tornado, here are the three most significant: Joplin tornado Deaths: 158 Injuries: ~1,150 (estimated 17,000 impacted) Tuscaloosa-Birmingham tornado Deaths: 64 Injuries: ~1,500 Hacklburg-Phil Campbell etc. Deaths: 72 Injuries: 146

Why was Texas named the 1 st state in tornado deaths?

Because tornadoes have killed more people in Texas than in any other state. It is also the state with the most tornado injuries, damage, and the most tornadoes overall.

what causes death and injuries during on earthquakes?

Most earthquake-related injuries and deaths result from collapsing walls, flying glass, and falling objects caused by the ground shaking.

What state has the most tornado deaths?

The state with the highest average number of tornado deaths is Texas. It is located in what is known as "Tornado Alley" and experiences a large number of tornadoes each year, leading to a higher risk of fatalities.

What can a tornado do to humans?

Tornadoes can easily injure or kill people. Most deaths and injuries from tornadoes result from being struck by flying debris or crushed under heavy objects. Less often people may be picked up and thrown by the winds.

What is responsible for many of the injuries and much of the damage in a tornado?

The strong winds in a tornado are responsible for causing most injuries and damage. The winds can reach extremely high speeds, causing buildings to collapse, debris to become projectiles, and people to be thrown or trapped.