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I would suggest finding out about the flood ahead of time and then moving to safer ground theres no efficient way to stop a flood

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Q: What can help stop floods?
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Related questions

What happens if we don't stop floods?

We cannot stop them, however we can help each other when they hit.

What is the difference between floods and flash floods?

Flash floods are floods that are caused by a storm. Normal floods are caused by non-stop rain.

How do you stop floods from happening?

You cant

Do dams stop floods?

The answer is yes

How are floods being stopped?

When trees are planted and when dams are created then it is possible for the floods to stop

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How can people stop floods in forests?

Build a dam

Has the Aswan high dam stopped the Nile's annual floods?

IT does not stop the floods, but it controls the water flow.

Did the Queensland flood stop?

Of course. All floods stop sometime. Queensland is not in a continuous period of flooding, but large-scale floods do occur in different parts of the state almost annually.

Can floods stop wildfires?

Generally not, as wildfires often occur on high slopes above the reach of floods. However, the heavy rain that often causes floods can douse a fire.

How did new agricultural techniques makes the Egyptians more prosperous?

they dont

How much would it cost to widen rivers to stop floods?

a lot of money 10000000000000000,0000000000000,0000000000000000000