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An F4 tornado will completely level well-built houses that are hit by the strongest part of the storm. Weaker structures may be blown away. Bark can be stripped away from trees. In rare cases whole neighborhoods may be flattened.

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Q: What can happen during an F-4 tornado?
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An F4 or greater tornado is classified as?

An F4 or higher tornado (the only higher rating being F5) is classified as violent.

When was the 1989 Hamden Connecticut F4 Tornado?

The F4 tornado that hit Hamden, Connecticut in 1989 struck on July 10.

What was the rating for the goliad tornado?

The Goliad, Texas tornado was an F4.

How strong was the Hallem Nebraska tornado?

The Hallam, Nebraska tornado was rated F4

Is there a such thing as a F4 tornado?

Yes. F4 is the second strongest category on the Fujita scale, indicating an extremely powerful tornado that can completely level well-built homes.

San Antonio TX F4 tornado?

An F4 tornado moved along the northern part of the San Antonio area on April 28, 1953, killing one person.

Was the St. Louis Tornado categorized as a F4?

There have been a number of tornadoes that have stuck St. Louis including a few F4 tornadoes. The most significant tornado to strike the city, which occurred on May 27, 1896 and killed 255 was an F4.

Is a F4 tornado 1 quarter mile?

An F4 tornado can be a quarter of a mile wide, but that is by no means a requirement. Tornado ratings are based on the severity of the damage, not the size of the tornado. There is a tendency for violent tornadoes to be large, but they don't have to be. A path width of 1/4 mile would not be uncommon for an F4, but sizes have ranged from as small as 100 yards to as wide as 2.5 miles.

What is a F4 and F5 tornado?

F4 and F5 are the two strongest categories of tornado on the Fujita scale. A damage based scale which rates tornadoes from F0 to F5. An F4 tornado will reduce most houses to piles of rubble. An F5 tornado will completely annihilate almost any house and wipe it clean off its foundation. Winds in an F5 can exceed 300 mph.

How fast is an f4 tornado?

An F4 tornado has wind speeds ranging from 207 to 260 mph (333 to 418 km/h). These tornadoes are considered very powerful and can cause severe damage to structures and the environment.

What was the Wichita falls tornado rating?

The Wichita Falls tornado, which occurred on April 10, 1979, was rated an F4 on the Fujita scale. It caused extensive damage and resulted in 42 fatalities.

How strong is an F4 tornado?

An F4 tornado is considered to be a violent tornado with wind speeds ranging from 207-260 mph. It is capable of causing devastating damage, including leveling well-constructed homes and turning cars into missiles. Due to its strength, an F4 tornado poses a significant risk to life and property.