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Q: How people misused the invention of alfred nobel of dynamite bomb?
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How is dynamite misused?

Dynamite was Alfred Nobel's invention, and he created it for mining purposes. Unfortunately, nowadays people misuse it and use it for killing people in large numbers.

How people have misused dynamite?

The people misused the dynamite bomb which made by Alfrad nobel.The people make an nuclear explosion.They kill the peoples and make a danger for our area.

Why did Alfred nobel regret inventing dynamite?

Because, my friend, dynamite is an extremely dangerous explosive, and one day, Alfred Nobel had an epiphany and realized that his invention would one day kill millions of people ad eventually blow up the world.

Wnat accomplishments did Alfred Nobel make in Chemistry?

One accomplishment he made was the invention of the earliest form of dynamite. There have been many changes, but Alfred Nobel was the first person to patent dynamite. Another major accomplishment was the Nobel Prize. Alfred put his earnings of dynamite investments into a recognition that was given to very few people throughout history that is also still used today.

Who was Alfred Nobel and why did he start the Nobel Prizes?

Alfred Nobel was an inventor, chemist, and engineer from Sweden. He started the Nobel Prizes after a newspaper accidentally wrote a obituary about him and called him the merchant of death because of his invention of dynamite. He was concerned with how people would remember him when he really did die.

Where did Alfred nobel have the money to fund the Nobel Prize?

Alfred Nobel made his fortune by inventing dynamite and owning several industrial companies. When he passed away, he left the majority of his wealth to endow the Nobel Prizes in various fields, as outlined in his will.

Why did Alfred Nobel begin the Nobel Peace Prize?

I think it is because he felt bad that he had killed so many people with his inventin of dynamite. Is this true? If not, then why?

What effect did dynamite have on the industrial revolution?

Dynamite made many impacts on the society. Dynamite became the go to tool for many projects. People began to use it in any way that they thought seemed fit. Many uses helped raise the society, but others broke it down. Because the society had access to a new energy it caused some disagreements. Some did not realize the power of dynamite and misused it while others took care to use it right. The society took to dynamite in good and bad ways.

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Alchohol is misused because people drink to much of it and then they drink more and more and more.

What famous people are from Sweden?

Alfred Nobel - Inventor of dynamite Astrid Lindgren - Author of Pipi longstockings Greta Garbo - Famous actor Dag Hammarskjöld - UN secretary-general

What is the nationality of dynamite?

Hmm. That's an interesting question. You could say that it is Swedish because its inventor (Alfred Nobel) was Swedish, or you could say it is German because that is where the first dynamite was developed... or you could say that each stick of dynamite has a nationality based on where it was manufactured, since it is manufactured all over the world. Truly, though, dynamite is just a tool used by people, and it doesn't care where it is or who is using it. It just does what is it supposed to do and blows stuff up. It has no nationality.

What did Alfred Nobel and the Nobel Prize family discover?

Alfred Nobel discovered a way to volatile nitroglycerin into a storable marketable form of explosive called DYNAMITE! His family had always been involved with chemistry and in fact his Brother died while experimenting with TNT. Alfred's Contributions: In 1864, Alfred Nobel founded Nitroglycerin AB in Stockholm, Sweden. In 1865, he built the Alfred Nobel & Co. Factory in Krümmel near Hamburg, Germany. In 1866, he established the United States Blasting Oil Company in the U.S. In 1870, he established the Société général pour la fabrication de la dynamite in Paris, France. Although his intentions were good, Dynamite was used for more than building and construction - it was used for destruction and war- causing the death of many people. Alfred felt terrible about this, he wanted a way to right what went wrong- so when he died in 1896, Alfred Nobel left behind a 9 million dollar endowment fund to support his lasting wish for peace and invention. The Nobel prize is awarded yearly to people whose work helps humanity. In total, Alfred Nobel had 355 patents in the fields of electrochemistry, optics, biology, and physiology. GO ALFRED! It wasn't so much in his honor, but he was the one who put up the original prize money. I assume the prize money now comes from some kind of trust he or someone else set up in his name. Phil