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10000 billion us $

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What was the time and date of the Boxing Day tsunami?

it was in 2004 this might not help this much

Was there lots of food and water left after 2004 tsunami?

No, there was not much food. people had to give out food for free.

How much money was spent after the 2004 tsunami?

3 times more than the amount for Haiti :) hope this was helpful

How much damage was caused by the worst tsunami in recorded history?

The worst tsunami in history is the tsunami that was caused in the Indian Ocean by an earthquake in 2004. Millions of people were left homeless in eleven countries and almost 150,000 people left dead.

Why was the death toll in the 2004 tsunami more than the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa?

The death toll in the 2004 tsunami was higher than the 1883 eruption of Krakatoa because tsunamis can travel much farther across the ocean, affecting more densely populated areas. The 2004 tsunami struck coastal regions with little warning, leading to widespread devastation and loss of life, whereas the impact of the Krakatoa eruption was more localized.

How much people died in the worlds biggest tsunami?

The 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, the world's deadliest, caused an estimated 230,000-280,000 deaths across 14 countries.

How much did it cost to fix the effects of the tsunami 2004?

lots of property, possessions and lives as well as land was lost or destroyed. the government went to great efforts to get the countries back on track.

How much money did the Libertarian Party raise for its Presidential Campaign in 2004?

Just above $1 million, according to

Tsunami waves are almost the same as ripples caused by throwing a rock into a pond. What is the major difference between the two?

The energy source of tsunami waves is much greater The energy source of Tsunami waves is much greater

How could the damages be minimised tsunami 2004?

Damages from a tsunami like the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami can be minimized by establishing early warning systems, educating communities on evacuation procedures, building coastal defenses like seawalls or vegetation buffers, and conducting regular drills and preparedness exercises. Additionally, promoting sustainable coastal development practices can help reduce the impact of tsunamis on communities.

Why was the Boxing Day tsunami so bad seeing as we have all this technology to predict tsunamis?

The Boxing Day tsunami in 2004 was particularly devastating because it originated from a massive undersea earthquake, known as a megathrust earthquake, which generated a powerful tsunami. While we have advanced technology for tsunami warning systems, the speed at which this tsunami occurred and the difficulty in predicting the exact scale and impact of such rare events made it challenging to issue timely warnings.

How much damage was there to property after the tsunami in japan?

The 2011 tsunami in Japan caused an estimated $360 billion worth of damage to properties and infrastructure. Thousands of buildings were destroyed or damaged, including homes, businesses, and government facilities, leading to widespread economic and social impacts. Recovery and reconstruction efforts have been ongoing since the disaster.