The Tuscaloosa/Birmingham tornado of April 27, 2011 injured an estimated 1,500 people and killed 64.
There were many tornadoes in Alabama. Injury statistics are not available for all of them. The Tuscaloosa-Birmingham tornado, one of the worst of them, injured over 1000.
The Xenia, Ohio tornado of 1974 killed 32 people directly. Two others died from indirect effects of the tornado.
There were no tornado fatalities in Florida in 2010.
There are many examples of devastating tornadoes. The worst tornado in U.S. history was the Tri-State tornado of 1925, which destroyed several communities and killed at least 695 people. More recent examples include the Tuscaloosa/Birmingham tornado of 2011, the Joplin tornado of 2011, and the Moore tornado of 2013.
The Greensburg, Kansas tornado of 2007 Killed 12 people and injured 63.
over 60 people died in a tornado each year
There were no tornado-related deaths in Illinois in 2011.
Three people died in the Kirksville, Missouri tornado that struck on April 27, 1899.
The 2010 Mississippi tornado outbreak resulted in a total of 10 fatalities.