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The 4 prepositional phrases are:

  1. about the extinction
  2. of dinosaurs
  3. with such force
  4. in the air
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Q: What is the prepositional phrase in One theory about the extinction of dinosaurs is that a huge asteroid or comet hit the earth with such force that soot or dust in the air blocked out sunlight?
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What is the prepositional phrase One theory about the extinction of dinosaurs is that a huge asteroid or comet hit the earth with such force that soot or dust in the air blocked out sunlight?

The 4 prepositional phrases are:about the extinctionof dinosaurswith such forcein the air

What was the alvarez asteroid theory?

The Alvarez hypothesis proposes that the mass extinction of dinosaurs was caused by a large asteroid impact on Earth. The impact released massive amounts of debris and dust into the atmosphere, blocking sunlight and leading to a drastic cooling effect that disrupted the global climate. This theory is widely accepted as a major factor in the extinction event that occurred about 66 million years ago.

What is one catastrophic event that can cause a mass extinction?

One catastrophic event that can cause a mass extinction is a large asteroid impact. If a sizable asteroid were to collide with Earth, the resulting impact and subsequent environmental effects such as dust clouds blocking sunlight could lead to widespread destruction of ecosystems and significant loss of life.

How might a collision with a meteor or comet have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs?

The asteroid impact would have thrown an enormous amount of dust and ash into the atmosphere. This would have blocked out sunlight for months or years, killing plants. With no plants to eat, the herbivorous dinosaurs would have starved. The carnivorous dinosaurs would have then starved, since they would have had no prey.

Why could climate change have killed the dinosaurs?

One hypothesis is that climate change from a massive asteroid impact led to a decrease in temperature and sunlight, disrupting the food chain and causing widespread extinction among plant and animal species, including the dinosaurs. This sudden change may have been too drastic for the dinosaurs to adapt to, leading to their eventual extinction.

Was it a quik extinction for dinosaurs or did they die out?

For ten million years, dinosaur biodiversity decreased dramatically, with many dinosaur species slowly dying out. However, the remaining dinosaurs would have survived if it weren't for an asteroid impact that occurred right at that time, 65.5 million years ago. With sunlight blocked by dust launched by the impact, plants died and dinosaurs then starved. The end of the extinction was short, lasting only a few years at most.

How could an asteroid have the dinosaurs become extinct 65 million years ago?

The asteroid was about 6 miles across. When it crashed into what is now the Yucatan Peninsula, it threw so much dust into the upper atmosphere, that sunlight was blocked for months. Plants died without sunlight, and the herbivorous dinosaurs died without plants to eat. The carnivores soon died out, too, because their prey was gone. There is also evidence that the Chixculub impact preceded the dinosaur extinction by hundreds of thousands of years, until another, possibly larger asteroid struck eliminated the non avian dinosaurs once and for all. Even without the asteroids, dinosaurs were already dealing with the negative affects of climate change.

What period had dinosaurs but no plants?

Plants evolved before dinosaurs, and dinosaurs depended on plants for food. The closest there came to "no plants" during the time of the dinosaurs was the mass extinction at the end, when plants died but left seeds behind that germinated when the dust thrown into the atmosphere by an asteroid impact settled and sunlight reached the surface. During that period of months or a few years without live plants, dinosaurs starved and died out.

Why are dinosaurs extinct because of plants?

Dinosaurs did not die out because of plants. They died out because of a lack of plants after an asteroid impact blocked out sunlight for months or years. With all the plants dead, the dinosaurs starved.

What is the meteorite-impact hypothesis?

The meteorite-impact hypothesis proposes that the extinction of the dinosaurs was caused by a large asteroid striking the Earth approximately 66 million years ago. This impact led to massive environmental changes, including huge amounts of dust blocking sunlight and causing a "nuclear winter" effect, which disrupted the food chain and ultimately led to the extinction of many species, including the dinosaurs.

What mass extinction was responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs?

Some believe it was a natural occurring ice age. Others say it resulted from the impact of an asteroid, comet, or meteor that released enough debris into the atmosphere to trigger a "impact winter" that blocked sunlight from reaching the ground and prevented plants needing photosynthesis from growing resulting in the starvation of dinosaurs and other creatures. It could also have been the great flood that has been recorded all over the world and the dinosaurs never made it into Noahs ark :)

Why did dinosaurs become extinct and not crocodiles?

crocodiles lived because they lived in water and crocodiles had amour plates on it's back