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The ankylosaurause is a herbivore (leaf eater) you can tell by looking at his teeth his spikes are only for protection from carnivores

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 4y ago

it is a hebivore

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Q: Is an ankylosaurus a hebivore or a carnivore?
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Is a sea turtle a carnivore or hebivore?

When they are adults they are herbivores, but when they are hatchlings they are omnivores.

Is a camel a hebivore or a carnivore?

It's a herbivore because it eat plants.

What is the definition of hebivore?

(noun).A hebivore is an animal that is adapted to eating only plants .

How would the teeth of a carnivore be different from the teeth of an hebivore?

Carnivore teeth are sharp and pointy for tearing meat but herbivore teeth are larger and flatter for grinding plants up

Is a water strider a hebivore omnivore or a carnivore?

A water strider is a carnivore, feeding mainly on insects that land on the water's surface. They use their legs to detect and capture their prey.

What prehistoric animals were vegetarians?

Most of them are carnivore like the T-rex but some of them are hebivore like the triceratops,anklysuarus,apatasuarus and other herbivores

What do hebivore eat?

hebivore eats plants

Is a person a hebivore?


What is the scientific name of ankylosaurus?

The scientific name of an ankylosaurus is Ankylosaurus magniventris.