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Q: Dinosaur with bone sticking out of back of head?
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Do hamsters have a little bone sticking up behind their head?

I don't think so.

What is the occiput?

The occiput is the back part of the skull located at the base of the head. It forms the bottom portion of the cranium and houses the occipital bone, which protects the cerebellum and brainstem.

What is the name of the bone that has no direct attachment to the skull but is attached to the skull by muscles?

The chest bones connected to the back bone. The back bones connected to the head bone. The hyoid bone's connected to the.... nothing, exept muscles.

What causes flatness on the parietal bone at back of head?

Flatness on the parietal bone at the back of the head can be caused by factors such as genetics, positional preferences during infancy, or pressure from lying on a particular surface for extended periods. It is typically a benign condition and usually resolves as a child grows and changes positions more frequently.

Was Professor Quirrell religious in Harry Potter?

No, he wore the turban to hide Voldemort's face that was sticking out of the back of his head.

What does the loch ness nmonster look like?

a whale with head like a dinosaur a whale with head like a dinosaur

What dinosaur had a big fringe growing from the back?

Triceratops. It had three horns (hence the 'tri') with a large "fringe" around the back of the head down to its jaw.

Which dinosaur was 10metres tall dinosaur and had helmet on its head?

I think its Pachycephalosaurus.

What muscle turns head side to side?

The sternocleidomastiod. Theres one on each side of the neck going from your occipital bone (back of head) down to your clavical (collar bone).

Why was the brontosaurus the most dangerous dinosaur?

the brontosaurus wasn't a dinosaur it was a carmasaurus head on another dinosaur's body.

How would you use dinosaur in a sentence?

the dinosaur was biting my head off.there is your

Occipital bone is found in what area of the body?

The occipital bone is found in the back of the skull, forming part of the base and back of the head. It helps protect the brain and spinal cord, and also provides attachment points for muscles and ligaments involved in head movement.