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Q: What antioxidant is good at attacking free radicals from smoking and pollution?
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Related questions

What are free radicals and how do they impact the skin's health and appearance?

Free radicals are unstable molecules that can damage skin cells and accelerate the aging process. They are often caused by factors like UV radiation, pollution, and smoking. When free radicals interact with skin cells, they can lead to wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging. Using antioxidants in skincare products can help neutralize free radicals and protect the skin from their harmful effects.

What action you can take about the pollution?

no smoking

Can you stop air pollution?

you can stop by smoking

How do you use smoking to preserve food?

Smoking itself does not preserve food. The salting, brining, sugaring, and drying are what act as preservative. The antimicrobial and antioxidant nature of smoking helps in the process, but the act of smoking alone does not keep food safe.

How do you solve air pollution causing by smoking?

stop smoking, and don't let others smoke. ;)

How is smoking responsible for diseases and some pollution?

Smoking sends off the smoke, and many diseases are caused by any smoking at all.

What effects you when smoking?

All bad effects you can imagine. What good effects you get when smoking? NONE.

What is some causes of air pollution?

people smoking and factories

What 3 affects can smoking and air pollution have on your lungs?


What are social issues of smoking?

pollution in the air, litter cigarette spuds on the ground. passive smoking ohers inhaling your smoke.

How plants animals and people affected by pollution?

Because of so much pollution: smoke from vehicles, factory and even smoking by people

What are 5 ways humans contribute to air pollution?

human contribute to air pollution cause of daily smoking and shouting