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Is silica safe during pregnancy? Hard to say, I've found sites that say its okay, and others that say it should be used with caution.

My doctor hadn't heard of it. In my search on the internet, this is what I've found so far... == == These sites seem to imply it is safe

1. Super Silica Plus - 120 vegicaps., (Harmonic Innerprizes Formerly Etherium Tech) SuperSilica Plus consists of the following herbal extracts: Bamboo stems, Horsetail, Nettles, Organic Barley Grass juice, Dandelion roots & leaves, Yellow Dock root, and a specially created enzyme base to maximize the breakdown of silica.

Harmonic Innerprizes Gold safe to take during pregnancy and nursing? How about for children? From what age? Harmonic Innerprizes Gold is probably safe to take intermittently during pregnancy in small amounts, consuming no more that 1/16 teaspoon, or 1/2 of a 300mg capsule per day. However, during pregnancy, a mother's energy is naturally focused inward to the developing fetus. We do not recommend taking any substance that diverts energy from this natural process. A better consideration would be Aulterra. It is not stimulating and it balances and harmonizes the energy fields of the body. This can be extremely beneficial during pregnancy. Aulterra is also an excellent source of dietary silica which is the most abundant mineral in the tissue of both the fetus and placenta at the time of birth. In general, we do not recommend Harmonic Innerprizes Gold or any of the other powders except Aulterra for children under the age of twelve.

Source: 2. What exactly is silica and what is it supposed to do?Silica is an essential mineral for health. The highest concentration of silica (silicon dioxide) is found in connective tissues, cartilage and skin, with skin and the epicuticle of the hair containing the most. This mineral strengthens collagen and elastin fibres and contributes to tissue elasticity. As the silica level of the skin diminishes with advancing age, the tissues become increasingly inelastic and brittle.

Can I take this product if I am planning pregnancy, if I am pregnant or breast-feeding? Whilst all ingredients found in Silica-OK are deemed safe for food supplements, which are classed as a food, we always recommend that those planning pregnancy, who are pregnant or breast-feeding consult their doctor prior to taking any food supplements.

Source: 3.Useful Herbs in Pregnancy

The following herbs have been used traditionally for various reasons during pregnancy. Choosing which herbs to use depends on individual circumstances. It is not necessary to use all the herbs in the hopes of avoiding all possible problems that may occur during a pregnancy. Use only those herbs, singly or in combinations as teas or tinctures, which fit your needs. As always, be in contact with your health practitioner if you are experiencing serious problems or discomfort. This information is taken from a medical website discussing the uses of various herbs in pregnancy. It is not meant to be used to diagnose a problem, and should be discussed with your doctor before taking....

...Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) -- rich mineral and silica content for strong bones; long-term use requires thiamine (vitamin B1) supplementation...

Source: sites seem to imply it should be used with caution

1. Herbs to avoid or use with caution during preganacy-Many herbs contain steroids that can affect the baby's development during pregnancy and/or nursing. Others may be of a mild toxic type, and others may be strong uterine stimulants. Please read this section carefully and take heed....

...Horsetail - too high in silica for the developing fetus.

Source: 2.Organic Silica Horsetail herb is an excellent natural source of Silica and, as such, is beneficial to the condition of the skin, hair and nails. Horsetail also has strong astringent and tonic properties, combined with mild diuretic properties, that make it particularly useful for complaints of the urinary system, the kidney and the bladder.

Contraindications: Not to be used during pregnancy unless under the supervision of a qualified practitioner.


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