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Water weight about 8 lbs per gallon. U gain most of that back after rehydrating. Now if u sweat alot over many days you are probably burning more calories than u eat and may shed some fat lbs.

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13y ago
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14y ago

Working out harder or working out in a hotter place will increase sweating. Sweating results in water loss and that will, therefore, cause us to lose weight. But there's a catch. (Isn't there always?) Unless an individual is over-hydrated, that person is just going to get uncomfortably thirsty working to sweat off pounds by virtue of water loss. (The value of working to sweat off pounds is in the working of the muscles to generate the heat to sweat. Working muscles means burning calories. If one just sits in a sauna, forget that.) Consider that many more people in the U.S. than one might guess are dehydrated because we simply don't drink enough water of because we consume all those other things we drink that aren't just plain water and that actually don't quench thirst. If the weight loss is just short term, what the heck. How many high school wrestlers jog in place while on a bus trip to a match so they can lose weight to slip into a lower weight class to wrestle? But sweating off the pounds is just that. Most of the effort goes for nothing because within a short period thirst will drive the person to (at the very least) a drinking fountain, if not to a local convenience store and the cold drinks. Consider why one needs to lose just the few pounds that sweating out water will deliver and whether it might be better to undertake a little more involved a program of diet modification and exercise to make a permanent change on one's weight.

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16y ago

Sauna baths make the body perspire more and are is believed to cleanse the body of impurities. These are very popular in Scandinavia and frequently are followed by a cold swim in the lake or a roll in the snow.

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11y ago

Any weight lost due to the volume of water expelled through the sweat glands will only be temporary, as drinking water will replenish that which was lost.

However, sweating more during exercisegenerally corresponds to working harder / burning more energy, which if exercising following a proper weight-loss regimen will cause you to lose weight more effectively.

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13y ago

no you don't. But you lose more fluid and if you wieghed yourself instantly after you seated you might have lost a few grams but you would just put it back on and it doesnt count because that isn't fat.

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13y ago

no,you can have surgery but when you sweat it means you are burning calories and if you burn more calories than you intake you will lose weight

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12y ago

no sweat is just to cool down the temperature in your body. it has nothing to do with burning fat :)

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12y ago

yes and no.the reason i said yes is because yes you can loose weight but a little.And no is because your loosing a little weight but your also sweating out poisen thats in your body.

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Q: If you sweat a lot do you lose weight?
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walking is the best exercise for weight loss.

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You can get a true treadmill from stores that sell fitness equipment and online at eBay or amazon. It helps you lose weight because you run and sweat a lot.

How might outside air temperature affect calorie burning?

Well, when the temperature is hot, you sweat and you lose a lot more weight than in cold temperature. When the temperature is warm, you need to save up your body temperature and eat more.Even if you swim when it is hot out, you lose weight. When you eat a lot of food, you obviously get fatter and it is hard to lose weight when it is cold. You don't sweat as much and you gain whatever you lose.

Do saunas help lose weight?

You lose mostly just sweat.

What causes weight loss even though you eat a lot?

All the carbohydrates you sweat off, you also can lose weight or maintain your weight if you have a high metabolism like when your young or really active.

When you sweat a lot your body loses a lot of water and a little bit of salt what's happening to the tonicity of your body if you sweat a lot?

you lose it.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do sweat belts help you lose weight?

No, sweat belts only make you lose water weight. Its a common misconception that they help with losing stomach fat though.

Does a vinyl suit help you lose weight?

yes it helps you because it makes you sweat faster which makes you lose weight

Is it true that when a human sweats they lose weight?

It is true that when a human sweats, they lose weight. However, it is not a significant amount of weight loss, like a few pounds, but just a little bit. It really depends on how much a human sweats, but they do lose some amount of weight, but not a significant amount. This is true because water is leaving the body in the form of sweat, and since a lot of water weighs a lot, and if a person sweats a lot, they will lose some form of weight, but not significantly enough for a recognizable difference.

What does exersize do for you?

Pretty much, it makes you sweat so you lose weight!

Can you lose weight in a sweat lodge?

Not really. After you drink water, your body fluids come back. But you might lose a little bit weight.

If you lose 5 pounds per day where does the weight go?

out in sweat? excretion ?