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Answer 1 -Try it. Answer 2 --- I would think not since its in the family of B vitamins. Its used to cut with cocaine (others?) but by itself I don't think it would do anything... however, for experimental purposes I just snorted a small line ... and so far, nothing - except maybe the beginning of nasal drip (yuck).

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Q: If you snort inositol powder will it get you high?
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yes it does because it enters your system faster than by mouth, but it also does damage to your nasal cavity. not much different than taking it, you snort it then the powder drains down the back of your throat and into your stomach, so why snort it when you can just take it the way its suppose to be.

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u get high from that?i took it for years and believe me it want get you high..if you want too get high snort you an Oxycontin that will do the trick..disclaimer i am not telling you too abuse drugs in anyway. but believe me i know..