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There is nothing corelation between weight loss and increase in height. Height increases upto a certain age and after that it stops. If you want to lose weight hen there are many things that you should follow.

Joining an gym would be an perfect idea so that the instructer can help you to lose some weight as well as guide you with some exercises which can increase your height.

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13y ago
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14y ago

its not so much your weight, but your nutrition. better nourished people grow taller and stronger. Dutch people eat very well so they are very tall and strong.

malnourished people will have limited growth in muscle and height.

there are other factors like genetics and how healthy you are eating.

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16y ago

No. It's a common myth that lifting weights as a teen will stunt one's growth. Beginners should lift weights under supervision to avoid injury.

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14y ago

i dont think growing muscle will but weight lifting will if you use to much weight like for example u max out every other week it could stunt your growth

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9y ago

I don't think it does
There is some evidence that weight lifting may damage the epiphysis of the bones thus affecting a person's height.

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