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William the conqueror's tummy exploded at his own funeral.

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Q: Which king tummy exploded at his own funeral?
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What is the yearly salary of a funeral director?

Hi. The salary of a funeral director depends on the location where they work and whether they own the funeral home or not. If employed by a funeral home that you do not own, in the US you can expect to make around $49,000 per year.

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When the Soviet Union exploded an atomic bomb, the US response was to increase its own arsenal and its own testing of nuclear weapons.

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There was no funeral or memorial service, as per Cary's own wishes.

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In the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer' whose funeral did Tom Joe and Huck attend?

their own funeral

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He waas estremely fat and fell over his own tummy

Who embalmed Whitney Houstons body?

Undoubtedly, it was one of the Whigham family. They own the funeral home in Newark NJ that handled the funeral arrangements.

What is the advancement opportunties for a funeral director?

Hi there. The career of a funeral director starts out working as apprentice. In large funeral homes, there may be possibilities of advancement such as becoming a general manager or branch manager. The final advancement is owning your own funeral home.

What does it mean if your hen goes bald on its tummy?

its natural, they pluck out their own feathers either from stress or for the nest.

How often does a funeral director get paid?

This will depend upon how often the funeral director gets a case. In the funeral business it has always been a pattern of feast or famine: a funeral home may not get case for a month or two, then suddenly get busy. Notwithstanding this, the funeral director will always have a budget which will include his own salary and that of his staff.

Attending your own funeral is?

Possible. You Are The Reason Everyone Else Showed Up.

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Hines claims that the duke and king are frauds because of their false identities, deceptive behavior, and manipulative actions towards the townspeople. He sees through their schemes and recognizes them as dishonest individuals who are taking advantage of others for their own gain.