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Ana Silva's family doesnt speak spanish well, but she wants to learn. Her teacher tells the class about a chance to go to a spanish speaking country, so she writes a letter and ends up going to Chile. She goes to a party for the Independence Day of Chile on September 18th and sees a boy named Pepe choking on a pece of meat. She does the Heimlich maneuver on him and the piece of food shoots out and hits a boy named Jaime in the head. He starts making fun of Pepe, so Ana doesnt like him because she's starting to like Pepe. There was another party that Ana was going to with Elena and Theresa. She was happy becasue Pepe would be there and Jaime would not. So they danced and were happy until to their surprise Jaime arrived. He made fun of them a lot. Then one day after the party they saw Jaime choking. Even though he doesnt like him, Pepe saved Jaime because he could have died. Jaime said thank you to Pepe and Ana asked him if he wanted to sit down with them because she knew he didnt have any friends. They all became friends and lived happily ever afterrrrrrr. P.S. just type casi se muere into the question box and there is sooo much info on the book. :)

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Q: What is the translation of the book Casi Se Muere?
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Who is Ana's mom in Casi Se Muere?

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Who writes to ana in casi se muere?

Arturo, Ana's classmate, writes to her while she is in the hospital in the book "Casi se muere". He keeps her updated on what is happening at school and sends her well wishes for a quick recovery.

What is Casi se muere in English?

He/she almost dies

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It means house of the dead

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ana teresa pepe jaime

Who chokes on the piece of meat in Casi se muere?

Pepe Ayala chokes on a piece of meat at school.

Translate casi se muere?

It means "almost dead".

What happens in chapter 4 of Casi Se Muere?

In chapter 4 of "Casi se Muere," the protagonist Ana becomes ill with a severe case of food poisoning after eating a strawberry yogurt. She is taken to the hospital by her host family. The chapter focuses on Ana's experience in the hospital and the challenges she faces due to the language barrier.

What happens in chapter 8 of casi se muere?

In chapter 8 of "Casi se muere" by Blaine Ray, the protagonist, Paco, goes to the hospital to visit his friend who got injured playing soccer. He tries to talk to the nurse in Spanish but struggles to communicate effectively. This chapter highlights Paco's growing confidence in using Spanish in real-life situations.

What happens in chapter 6 of casi se muere?

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What happens in chapter 5 of casi se muere?

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What is the plot of Casi se muere?

"Casi se muere" is a novel by Spanish author Blaine Ray. The plot revolves around a high school student named Craig who takes a trip to Mexico with his class. While there, he gets caught up in various misadventures, including a mix-up with a dangerous gang. The story is written in simple Spanish and is popular for language learners.