To die in vain means that you died for a cause but your death did not change anything.
It's 'die in vain', meaning "to die needlessly"
That you lived and died for no purpose.
You're going to DIE
I pray the soldiers did not die in-vain.
To do something in vain means that you do not succeed in doing what you are trying to do; to try in vain is to fail.
1. "Vain" is spelled vein 2. Yes
in vain means the expected result is not going to happen
I think you mean "vain".
for no point
Vain means conceited, or it may mean to no avail. Here are some sentences.She tried in vain to stand on her head.He was as vain as a peacock."You're so vain!" (a song by Carly Simon)
The phrase, did not die in vain, means to die doing something worthwhile, such as saving the life of another. They gave their lives trying to accomplish something, and that although they perished in the attempt, they succeeded.
she is a very sweet name that came from the god Jesus and she is very pretty he who curses her will die in vain !!!!!!!!!!:( to bad 4 those who did !!!!