French : Repose en paix
Arabic: Orqud Bisalaam
Italian: Requiescat in Pache
Requiescat in pace in Latin
Rest in peace
Java is java and rest are rest :P
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Thlalani Gahle
samadhanathil vishramikuvin = Rest in Peace
Rest in Peace - usually on a headstone at a grave in computers it stands for routing information protocol EDIT: You are both wrong, Rest in Peace is just what English speakers say to make it fit, in reality it means Requiescat in Pace, which in Latin means, May he/she lay in peace. But close, and nice job on the computer information.
Rip is a name of the person, Rip is define the peace, those person who have peace behaviors that person name is Rip, Always peace depend on rest so Rip is the part of rest and peace. Where there is rest there is peace and that is the meaning of Rip.Actually, we can give the definitions of rest or the peace that is samebecause there is no meaning without rest for peace and peace for rest. Rest is depend on peace and peace is depend on rest But Rip is depend on both rest and peace. We can't understand that rip is only depend on rest and peace,rest and peace also depend on Rip.Only we can understand that rip is the meaning of rest and peace andthe meaning of rest and peace is rip. If we get it in combine means we canpronounce like Rip means Rest in Peace and Rest and Peace means Rip.We can't define the meaning of Rip because the meaning of Rip is like a universe. We can't finished to define the Universe means only we can feel it's a great and we can't finish to feel about universe like as Rip is also same to define and give reason.Diffidently, always luck is fear but Rip is always fear and lucky because rip means lucky and fear also. Those person who are Lucky and fear thoseperson name is Rip. so Rest, peace, fear and luck is a part of Rip.
"Rest in peace" in Polish: "Spoczywaj w pokoju."
"Rest in peace" is "Gorffwys mewn hedd".
The Welsh words for rest in peace is gorwedd mewn hedd.Gorwedd - lie/restMewn - inHeddwch - peace
In Russian, "Отдых в мире" means "Rest In Peace".