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Loki is not dead. He is bound with his son's entrails beneath a poisonous serpent. Venom from this serpent drips onto Loki, causing him excruciating pain, which creates earthquakes. Loki's wife, in an effort to ease her husband's pain, holds a bowl above him to catch the venom before it reaches him. This only works until the bowl is full, and then she must empty it. The venom falls on him while she is away.

It is said that Loki will eventually break free from his fetters and will get into a conflict with Odin, who will kill him.

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Q: How did Loki die?
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Does Loki die in Norse mythology, and if so, how does his death occur?

In Norse mythology, Loki does die. He is punished for his role in the death of Baldr, the beloved god of light. Loki is bound with the entrails of one of his sons and is tortured until Ragnarok, the end of the world, when he breaks free and fights against the gods before being killed.

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In Norse mythology, Loki died during Ragnarok, the final battle between the gods and their enemies. He was killed by Heimdall, the guardian of Asgard, in a fierce battle. Loki's death marked the end of the world as the gods knew it.

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Loki doesn't have a role in Christianity. Loki was/is the NORSE god of mischief.

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