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1. To find new land to claim.

2. Discover new animals and plants.

3. Find treasures.

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King Boyer

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Q: What three reasons for voyages of exploration?
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What were three reasons for voyages of exploration?

Three reasons for voyages of exploration were to find new trade routes to Asia, to spread Christianity to new lands, and to increase wealth and power for the sponsoring country.

What were three reasons for the European voyages of explorations in the 1400s and 1500s?

three reasons for the European Voyages of exploration in the 1400s and 1500s was 1.)to find a sea route to Asia,2.)DeBalboa led an expidition through the jungles of Panama and reached the Pacific Ocean in 1513,3.)in 1519;Portaguese sailor Ferdinand Megellan set out to reach Asia by sailing west around South America.

What are 3 reason for exploration?

The three reasons for exploration were to get money, become famous, and spread Christianity.

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The three main reasons for exploration were to find new trade routes to Asia, to spread Christianity to new lands, and to acquire wealth and resources for European countries.

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