From St Martin to the equator it is 1239 miles. This measurement is taken from Philipsburg, St Martin. From Marigot, St Martin it would be 4 more miles.
65 miles / 105km
The distance between Red Deer, AB, Canada and St Thomas, ON, Canada is about 3,352km.
800 miles
st lucia in relation to the equator is about 12 degrees north.St Lucia is part of the Windward Islands. From Castries, St Lucia, the distance to the Equator is 963 is approximately 13 degrees north and 61 degrees southroughly 936 miles
universe's equator distance is about 150,000,000,000 light years.
st. thomas st. thomas st. thomas
Distance from the Equator is measured using lines of latitude. The Equator is designated as 0 degrees latitude, and distances are measured in degrees, minutes, and seconds north or south of the Equator.
The distance to Paris from the Equator is approximately 3,760 kilometers.
Yes, they are the same distance from the equator.
79 km taking HWY 3.
Latitude measures the distance north or south of the equator, with the equator itself designated as 0 degrees latitude.