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watching his men carefully - he does not want another mishap

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Q: What is Odysseus doing on the voyage home?
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Related questions

How long was Odysseus voyage home?

10 years long and it was supposed to be only 3 or 4 weeks.

Why did Athena turn Odysseus into a beggar?

So that Odysseus could return home with out being recognized, so he can see what the suitors are doing to his home.

What part does Troy play in the Odyssey?

It is the launching place of Odysseus on his extended voyage home to Ithaca after Troy was destroyed.

What was Odysseus' journey in The Odyssey?

Odysseus (also known as Ulysses) took part in the Trojan War. The Odyssey is the tale of his troublsome voyage home to Ithaka, which took 20 years.

What is Odysseus doing when you first meet him in the story?

When first met Odysseus is staring out to see on Calypso's island dreaming of getting home to Ithaca.

Why does Odysseus have a long voyage home?

He stabs the eye of Polyphemus, the cyclops, Poseidon's son. This angers the god, who controls the sea...and he makes Odysseus' journey home from Troy meander for 10 years. He also spends 7 years on Calypso's island.

Why Odysseus's men died?

Poseidon commanded them to be killed off on their voyage because of the curse he put on Odysseus.

What does Odysseus the god do?

In Greek mythology, Odysseus is not a god, he is a hero. He makes a heroic voyage, known as the Odyssey.

What is the summary of The Odyssey?

The Odyssey is the story of the wanderings of Odysseus after the Trojan war, in his 10 year voyage home. The Odyssey then relates how he deals with his troubles at home after being away for so long.

What does tiresias warn Odysseus not to harm on his voyage?

The cattle of the sun

Who is thrinacia in The Odyssey?

she is a prophet who talks to odysseus about his wife and how she is doing in ithaca and she tells odysseus that other men are trying to get with his wife if he doesnt hurry and return home .

Did Odysseus save his company?

Those of Odysseus' crew who survived Troy all died on the voyage back to Ithaca.