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steal : jack

im going to steal your shirt

im gonna jack that shirtr

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10mo ago

Slang terms for lying include "fibbing," "stretching the truth," or "telling a tall tale." Slang terms for stealing include "swiping," "jacking," or "boosting."

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Q: What are the slang terms for lying and stealing?
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IDK! why dont u go ahead and ask that to your teacher? :P Cheating is lying and stealing - you're stealing work that someone else did and lying by saying you did it yourself. Lying and stealing are wrong.

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What is slang for heist?

"Heist" is slang - it means a robbery. Other slang terms for stealing include to nick, to lift, to blag, to take a five-fingered discount, to snitch, to snag, to pilfer, to roll, to hoist, to make off with.

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Maybe for lying about him stealing the seeds and not telling the truth about the boys stealing them.

How do you deal with a child's stealing and lying?

get them help, counseling or certain classes

What are really bad sins?

They are murder , idolatry, stealing, lying,blasphemy.

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Lying, cheating, stealing, and flirting with other people.

Can you provide guidance on how to address a situation involving a 5-year-old who is stealing and lying"?

When dealing with a 5-year-old who is stealing and lying, it's important to address the behavior calmly and consistently. Set clear boundaries, explain why stealing and lying are wrong, and use positive reinforcement for honest behavior. Consider seeking guidance from a child psychologist or counselor for additional support.

What are some Slang terms for a private investigator?

The slang terms I'm familiar with are: P.I. Private Eye, Peeper and Dick

What are some sins but not entirely the seven deadly sins?

Disobedience to parents, lying, stealing.

What are Three types of behavior that will decrease or destroy trust in a relationship?

Lying, cheating and stealing!!