Depending on the pepper being used, they can be the same thing. Both (either) are not very hot and are used more for their red colour and for their flavour. As far as I can tell, they're interchangeable in recipes. But don't substitute cayenne. It's way hotter.
The duration of Mirch is 1.75 hours.
Mirch was created on 2010-12-02.
Mirch Masala was created in 1985.
Jason Mirch is 5' 11".
Mirch Masala is a restaurant in Canada. Mirch Masala is a 1987 Hindi film. There is a grocery chain in Calgary called Mirch Masala. There is also a Indian cuisine of the same name.
paprika is called deghi mirch in Hindi
Mirch - 2010 is rated/received certificates of: India:A Singapore:NC-16
The Hindi word for pepper is "काली मिर्च" (kaali mirch).
Jason Mirch was born on September 2, 1982, in Santa Clara, California, USA.
Cayenne in Hindi is "लाल मिर्च" (Laal Mirch).
Cayenne pepper is called "लाल मिर्च" (Laal Mirch) in Hindi.
Kaali Mirch काली मिर्च